First Trimester: How to Handle it and What To Do
Maybe it was feeling morning sickness or perhaps you missed your period. Maybe you just felt different and thought to take a pregnancy test. No matter how you learned you were pregnant, the realization makes you think about all the things to do in the first trimester. Let’s not forget, all the things to avoid during the first trimester.

Disappointment as a Mom: How Gender, Birth Plans & Health Impacts New Moms
We're talking about gender disappointment, medical disappointment, and birth disappointment. Maybe it's just not being ready to be a mom yet. Maybe it's the disappointment of how something has gone differently than the way you anticipated. The struggle I see here is that we don't often feel okay to have joy and disappointment coexisting with gratitude. Many new moms have this feeling of grief and disappointment over how something has gone.

Pregnancy Memes: Hilarious Memes New Moms Need in Each Trimester
As you track your pregnancy week by week, you likely know what size fruit your baby is or what should happen on your pregnancy trimester timeline. Sometimes, though, you need a relatable laugh to get you through when the weeks feel like years and the symptoms feel unrelenting.

New Mom Therapist: Guide to Finding a Maternal Therapist You Can Trust
Having a baby changes many areas of your life- it changes your body, your mind, your energy, your relationships, your work, your identity. In the midst of these big transitions, many women benefit from having an outside perspective from a professional perinatal therapist. However, when you are knee-deep in new motherhood, it can be difficult to know where to turn.

DIY Padsicles for Postpartum Recovery
Postpartum bleeding is normal and most women experience vaginal pain after delivery. Think about it- you removed a human from your body- it’s going to take some time to let that heal! You may experience painful urination after delivery and general pain in that area. This is why padsicles can be such an important part of your postpartum recovery kit, and they are easy to DIY (and cheap!)