First Trimester: How to Handle it and What To Do
Maybe it was feeling morning sickness or perhaps you missed your period. Maybe you just felt different and thought to take a pregnancy test. No matter how you learned you were pregnant, the realization makes you think about all the things to do in the first trimester. Let’s not forget, all the things to avoid during the first trimester.

How to do a C-Section Scar Massage
Following a belly birth, most women are instructed on how to watch for infection, easing back into activity, and what to do in those early days. However, many women have shared that they were not instructed to perform scar massages on their belly incisions.

Postpartum Constipation: Pooping After Baby
Shit happens, but sometimes it doesn’t. After giving birth, up to half of women will deal with constipation. This is another part of life after baby that isn’t discussed but we are here to give you the rundown: why postpartum constipation is common, what you can do to get things moving again, and when you should talk to your doctor about constipation.

Cramping After Birth? Here's How to Handle Postpartum Cramping
Cramps after giving birth are called involution. This is the process of your uterus returning to normal size and is often marked by short, sharp pains. Throughout your pregnancy, your uterus grows around 25X its’ normal size. These cramps after giving birth are helping the uterus to shrink back down. While the process usually takes around 6 weeks, you likely won’t feel these pains for that long. As the days pass, the cramping will reduce and then subside.

Worst Massage of Your Life: Fundal Massage After Giving Birth
A fundal massage, also known as a uterine massage, is a normal part of after-delivery care. This typically happens shortly after birth (or birth loss) and can continue for hours or days depending on the needs of the patient. Who doesn’t want a massage after the labor of bringing another human into the world?

Peeing After Birth: What You Need to Know about the First Pee
We aren’t here to scare you about afterbirth, but to help you know what you can expect and to let you know you’re not the only one! I remember being shocked at how difficult it was for me to make it to the toilet the first couple of days after giving birth and how much I dreaded going to pee because it would sting so badly.

Birthing The Placenta?! What Comes After Having Your Baby
The placenta is an organ your body grows to nourish and protect your baby. When you give birth, the third stage of labor or the afterbirth is delivering the placenta. How do you deliver the placenta? Does it hurt? What do you do with the placenta after birth? Read on for all things placenta!

Postpartum Bleeding: What to Expect from Lochia
Whether you had a vaginal birth or a c-section, you will experience bleeding after birth that should decrease and change color over time. This is a mix of blood and mucus and it starts after your delivery. When you were carrying your baby, the body requires extra blood and tissue. Now that you have delivered, the body gets rid of the extra. Your body is healing from where your placenta was attached and your uterus is shedding lining. You may also be recovering from a tear or episiotomy.

DIY Padsicles for Postpartum Recovery
Postpartum bleeding is normal and most women experience vaginal pain after delivery. Think about it- you removed a human from your body- it’s going to take some time to let that heal! You may experience painful urination after delivery and general pain in that area. This is why padsicles can be such an important part of your postpartum recovery kit, and they are easy to DIY (and cheap!)

Postpartum During Coronavirus: The Unique Struggle Of New Moms In 2020
Hey momma, I know this isn’t what you had in mind. Chances are when you envisioned bringing a baby into the world, you didn’t envision this.
You did the work.
You took the classes.
You prepared the nursery. A
nd yet here you are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic during a season of your life that is supposed to be full of joy and community.
Joy and community are still here, it just might look a little different.

Waterbirth at Home: Birth Story
By around 4:30am I knew I was ready to get into the pool. My body was craving the relief of the warm water and a change up. I could tell at this point that each surge was getting us closer to holding our baby.

Hospital Unmedicated Birth Story: Part 1
I found myself on a birthing ball with my head and hands buried into the bed. Contraction after contraction came and while they gained in intensity, I thought we were still pretty early.