Sex After Birth: When & How to Approach Postpartum Sex
A lot of women find themselves confused and feeling isolated when it comes to the conversation of sex after baby. Who can you talk to about sex when you’re a new mom? Can you bring it up at playgroup or with your friends? Women feel like they should be ready, even if they aren’t. This leaves new moms wondering if they’ve done something wrong, if their body is “broken” or if they are disappointing their partner.

Understanding Your Postpartum Sex Drive: Love After Baby
Lube and libido, both things that have a huge impact on our sex and intimacy after baby, and we're going to break down, what happens to our libido after we have a baby, what kind of lube might be right for you, and how we can kind of get into this sexual intimacy space again, without feeling like shit.
And without just trying to get it done.

New Mom Question and Answers: Postpartum Depression, Pumping and Sex
Pain while pumping, how long can PPD last, painful sex, Csection scare healing and splitting responsibilities as a stay at home mom. The questions this week in our Postpartum Q&A

How to Handle Your First Period After Having a Baby
After giving birth, there is a period of time before you start to experience a menstrual cycle again. You may be wondering if your periods will be different during postpartum after baby or how long it will take for your period to return. While periods after birth vary greatly, there are some things you can expect when it comes to having your first period after baby.

How to Find a Great Pelvic Floor Therapist After Having a Baby
For mothers in the US and many other countries, pelvic floor therapy is not standard care and we are often left to hear about it from a friend, a blog, etc. and find our own way. However, it is important to be able to gain confidence and comfort in the pelvic floor after birth. Some women go years without giving the pelvic floor attention and healing and then deal with things like pelvic floor prolapse even 10 years after birth or incontinence for years. While things like peeing while jumping or painful sex may be common, these are not normal and you don’t have to live with it forever. Pelvic floor therapy is designed to help you through these issues.

What is a New Mom Coach and Why Do You Need One to Improve Your Life?
Learn what a new mom coach is and how she can help you find your best growth and empowerment after having your baby.

Your Pelvic Floor After Having a Baby
After birth, women often experience problems with the pelvic floor. This may be painful sex, incontinence, pelvic pain or another feeling. Do you know when to seek pelvic floor help?

Sex After Baby: The Groove
You get to the bedroom and you start to undress the mombod you’ve acquired. Maybe this feels invigorating, but for many women, this comes with a lot of overwhelming feelings. Maybe you're experiecing painful sex or anxiety around it. You’re not alone! Postpartum sex is a topic we don’t always talk about, but we should! We are all going through it!