What is DMER in Breastfeeding Moms?
It took me a long time to learn why I was having these intense feelings before and during let downs when I was exclusively pumping. For me, it was like a jolt through my body and a pang of anxiety. Sometimes it brought tears to my eyes or made me nauseous. While I was exclusively pumping for my daughter, I didn’t have D-MER all the time, but experienced it at least once a day.

The Pressure to Breastfeed: Feeding Choices of New Moms
Even in 2020, there is still a lot of pressure around how a woman feed her baby. Phrases like “breast is best” and “liquid gold” circulate mommy blogs and instagram posts. Whether you are deciding between breastfeeding or formula feeding, deciding the best formula to give your baby, switching from breastmilk to formula, supplementing or mixing breastmilk and formula, or any other kind of feeding, the reality is there are a lot of opinions.

New Mom Question and Answers: Postpartum Depression, Pumping and Sex
Pain while pumping, how long can PPD last, painful sex, Csection scare healing and splitting responsibilities as a stay at home mom. The questions this week in our Postpartum Q&A

Your Breasts After Pregnancy and Giving Birth: What You Need to Know
We talk a lot about how you choose to feed a baby. Nursing, formula, pumping, combination… but we don’t talk much about all the issues that can be part of that decision. The breast issues that can occur after birth can be painful and isolating and they are often still taboo. This post is meant to introduce topics, not go deeply into each.

What is a New Mom Coach and Why Do You Need One to Improve Your Life?
Learn what a new mom coach is and how she can help you find your best growth and empowerment after having your baby.

Pumping Moms Must-Have List for Better Breastpumping
Get all the supplies you need for successful and easier breast pumping straight from this amazon shopping list made by an exclusive pumper. These breast pumping accessories will help you be successful in breast pumping.

Inducing Lactation and Being Postpartum as the Non-Birthing Mom
When you are the non-birthing parent in the relationship, postpartum can look different. In this post, Amy shares how she induced lactation to create a bond with her baby after her partner gave birth.

5 Must-Know Tips for Exclusive Pumping While Traveling
5 Tips for Pumping while Traveling. What to pack for pumping, how to talk to family about pumping, what to know about pumping when you are traveling.

Hands-Free Pumping: Tips to Make it Easier
Whether you pump full time or part-time, you know the breastmilk you provide isn’t “free.” It comes from hours of planning, washing, feeding, packing, and pumping.

Exclusive Pumping Tips: Make it Easier
There are a number of reasons why a woman may choose to breast pump, and a variety of ways to do so.
These are the tips to ensure that it is both effective and comfortable.