Postpartum After Infant Loss: One Mom's Story of Changes
Here’s the thing: there is no helpful thing to say when someone dies, especially someone’s child. You can’t take away the pain, you can’t make them forget. You won’t make people sad by talking about the one they lost. Some people seem caught off guard when I talk about Silas or being pregnant with him in normal conversation. But I can’t act as if Silas never existed. Silas is real, he grew inside of me for 9 months, I held him in my arms and kissed his sweet newborn head, smelling his yummy newborn smell.

Inducing Lactation and Being Postpartum as the Non-Birthing Mom
When you are the non-birthing parent in the relationship, postpartum can look different. In this post, Amy shares how she induced lactation to create a bond with her baby after her partner gave birth.

Being Postpartum After Delivering a Stillbirth Baby
It was so hard to feel like I could relate to moms because my baby wasn’t with me physically. I went through all of that and can’t compare anything besides how sore my vagina was. Emotionally, and mentally I was lost. It physically hurt to look at other moms with babies.

Being on an Infertility Journey With Chronic Illness
How does chronic illness impact postpartum? How does rounds of fertility treatments, IUIs and IVF impact you after baby comes? Amanda shares her story of postpartum as a mom which chronic illness, Crohns disease.

Infertility Journey: Wishing to be Postpartum
What does it feel like to wait over a year for a positive pregnancy test? Amber shares her story of infertility and waiting to become a mom.

Infertility, Vanishing Twin and Postpartum
After grad school, I settled into my career and got ready for the next chapter of my life...and it never came. I was pretty embarrassed, ashamed, and disappointed.

Postpartum Anxiety: 8 Things Everyone Needs to Know
When I first became a mom, I felt isolated and was in survival mode. I was not prepared to feel the dark and complex emotions.

Postpartum Mom Recovery with a Baby in the NICU
A NICU mom is choosing whether to rest and let her body heal or venture down long halls to sit in uncomfortable chairs and (maybe) snuggle her child with cords. Sometimes the snuggling isn’t even an option and she watches, through an isolet, as she hopes her baby hears her voice and feels her love.

Living with a PMAD After Birth: 5 Women's Stories
Postpartum Mood Disorders affect over 20% of moms. Surely that is more than one mom that you personally know. However, you might not know that she has struggled because the stigma remains high and the conversation is kept behind closed doors.