How to Work through the Mom Identity Crisis and Feel Like Yourself
Momma, today you are in the midst of your matrescence. Whether you became a mother a day, a week, a month or a year ago, you are in your transition. You look different. You feel different.

The Invisible Load of Stay at Home Mom Life
What is the invisible load that stay-at-home moms carry? Is the role of a SAHM easy? The invisible load is the unseen, uncompensated workload someone carries. For stay-at-home moms, this can mean a number of roles in and out of the home.

Mom Guilt: Why it's Bullsh*t and How to Give it the Middle Finger
When you bring up the term “mom guilt” women will open up about their story: Working mom guilt, stay at home mom guilt, single mom guilt, daycare guilt, household guilt. There are so many things we can feel guilty about as new moms.
Today we’re talking more about this guilt, where it comes from and how we can work to overcome mom guilt so that we can be more present and confident in motherhood.

The Quest to be More than a Mom
Women can easily feel lost in this identity shift and wonder where the “woman” behind mom has gone.
An informal survey on my Instagram page showed that 92% of respondents said they struggle with the identity shift.