How to do a C-Section Scar Massage
Following a belly birth, most women are instructed on how to watch for infection, easing back into activity, and what to do in those early days. However, many women have shared that they were not instructed to perform scar massages on their belly incisions.

Cramping After Birth? Here's How to Handle Postpartum Cramping
Cramps after giving birth are called involution. This is the process of your uterus returning to normal size and is often marked by short, sharp pains. Throughout your pregnancy, your uterus grows around 25X its’ normal size. These cramps after giving birth are helping the uterus to shrink back down. While the process usually takes around 6 weeks, you likely won’t feel these pains for that long. As the days pass, the cramping will reduce and then subside.

Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression? How to Figure Out What You Are Experiencing
Feeling down after having your baby? Curious if you’re suffering from postpartum depression or if what you’re feeling is normal in early postpartum?
No matter what, you deserve support. This chart will help you decide if you’re dealing with baby blues or if you need to get doctor help for postpartum depression.

Your Pelvic Floor After Having a Baby
After birth, women often experience problems with the pelvic floor. This may be painful sex, incontinence, pelvic pain or another feeling. Do you know when to seek pelvic floor help?

Postpartum Resources to Support You in Life After Birth
After my first baby, I didn’t know where to look for resources. I didn’t know where I could turn for a look at honest motherhood and postpartum. I didn’t know it was okay to not be okay. I thought I had to fight like hell to have it all “put together” and I was so tired and worn from it. Now I know there are resources out there and you deserve to know about them too.

Why We Need to Stop Postpartum Weight Loss Comments
Let’s think of ways together to shift the norm and give mothers more empowerment through things that are more important than stepping on a scale or getting back into “pre pregnancy” jeans. Moms, we are SO MUCH MORE than that.