No One is in Charge of Teaching Us About Postpartum
Where can you learn about postpartum? The topic is often brushed over. This has an effect on the whole family as men and women alike struggle to understand the complexity of this time. The lack of knowledge, understanding and normalization overflows to our homes, workplaces, community settings, and screens.

Understanding Postpartum in the Past and Present
When it comes to postpartum and motherhood, we’ve seen the harmful changes and it’s time we stand up against it and demand better for ourselves. The narrative around postpartum has shifted with the generations.

How Long Is The Season Of Postpartum After Birth
Women believe the first postpartum milestone is six weeks- the time you usually have a check-up with your provider and can be cleared to “get back” to activities. Here I sit at 6 months post-baby, and yet I still consider myself postpartum.