Postpartum Constipation: Pooping After Baby
Shit happens, but sometimes it doesn’t. After giving birth, up to half of women will deal with constipation. This is another part of life after baby that isn’t discussed but we are here to give you the rundown: why postpartum constipation is common, what you can do to get things moving again, and when you should talk to your doctor about constipation.

Peeing After Birth: What You Need to Know about the First Pee
We aren’t here to scare you about afterbirth, but to help you know what you can expect and to let you know you’re not the only one! I remember being shocked at how difficult it was for me to make it to the toilet the first couple of days after giving birth and how much I dreaded going to pee because it would sting so badly.

Birthing The Placenta?! What Comes After Having Your Baby
The placenta is an organ your body grows to nourish and protect your baby. When you give birth, the third stage of labor or the afterbirth is delivering the placenta. How do you deliver the placenta? Does it hurt? What do you do with the placenta after birth? Read on for all things placenta!